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Multi-word Results
a leg to stand on a valid or convincing basis for a point of view.
a new lease on life an opportunity to live a happier life because of improved circumstances.
add-on an optional item that may be bought in addition to a main item to supplement or improve it. [2 definitions]
and so on with more of the same type. [2 definitions]
bank on (informal) to rely or depend on.
bargain on to anticipate. [2 definitions]
base on balls in baseball, an advance to first base taken by a batter to whom four balls have been pitched. (See walk.)
be on to (informal) to have inside information about. [2 definitions]
big on excited about; having a liking for.
blot on one's escutcheon a disgraceful blemish on one's reputation.
border on to almost be such; verge on.
brush up on to study again to bring one's knowledge up to date or to remember what might have been forgotten; review.
call on to put out an official demand to (a person, agency, institution, or the like). [4 definitions]
carry on to persist or persevere. [4 definitions]
carry-on of luggage, small enough to be stored in the passenger cabin of an airplane. [2 definitions]
carrying-on (informal; usu. pl.) silly, wild, or improper behavior.
catch on to grasp the meaning of something (often fol by "to"). [3 definitions]
catch on fire (informal) to start to burn; catch fire.
check up on to look at or seek information about (someone or something) in order to find out if they are all right or if they getting into any trouble.
chip on one's shoulder a persistent feeling of resentment or unhappiness; grudge.