abridge |
to shorten without removing basic contents; condense. [2 definitions] |
abridged |
having been shortened without removing the most essential contents; condensed. |
abridgment |
an act, process, or instance of abridging. [3 definitions] |
abroad |
in or to a country that is not one's own. [4 definitions] |
abrogate |
to abolish, repeal, or nullify by authority. [2 definitions] |
abrupt |
sudden and unexpected. [3 definitions] |
abs- |
from; away; off. |
Abscam |
in the United States, an FBI investigation in 1978-80, as a result of which several members of Congress were indicted for taking bribes from FBI agents posing as Arab businessmen. |
abscess |
a collection of pus in body tissue, usu. surrounded by an inflamed area. [2 definitions] |
abscissa |
the distance of a point from the vertical axis of a graph as measured parallel to the horizontal axis. (Cf. ordinate.) |
abscond |
to leave suddenly and secretly, esp. to avoid observation or capture. |
absence |
the state or condition of being away or not present. [3 definitions] |
absent |
not in the expected or required place. [4 definitions] |
absentee |
a person who is absent, esp. from duty, work, or property. [2 definitions] |
absentee ballot |
a ballot to be marked and delivered to an election official before election day because the voter will be unable to be at the polls on that day. |
absenteeism |
habitual or repeated absence from a place where regular attendance is required, such as work or school. |
absent-minded |
not paying attention to the immediate task or event because one's mind is preoccupied with other matters. |
absent without leave |
absent without permission from assigned military duty, but not necessarily with the intention of deserting; AWOL. |
absinthe |
a bitter green liqueur with high alcohol content, made from wormwood and herbs. [2 definitions] |
absolute |
precise, exact. [7 definitions] |
absolutely |
precisely; exactly. [2 definitions] |