amiable |
characterized by or showing a friendly disposition; free of ill will; congenial. |
amicable |
characterized by good will; friendly. |
amice |
an oblong, white linen garment worn by clergymen around the neck and shoulders. |
amicus curiae |
a person who voluntarily or by invitation gives legal advice to the court in a particular case. |
amid |
surrounded by; in the environment of; in the middle of. |
amide |
an organic compound derived from ammonia, such as acetamide, or a metallic derivative, such as sodium amide. |
amidol |
a colorless crystalline substance used in developing photographs. |
amidships |
in or toward the middle of a ship or aircraft. [2 definitions] |
amidst |
in the middle of; among; amid. |
amigo |
a friend. |
-amine |
containing the amino group, which has one atom of nitrogen and two of hydrogen. |
amine |
any of a group of ammonia derivatives in which hydrogen atoms have been replaced by organic groups containing hydrogen and carbon. |
amino |
of, relating to, or containing an amine or other chemical substance formed by anitrogen-hydrogen group in combination with nonacidic organic compounds. |
amino acid |
any of the organic acids necessary to build proteins and sustain life, some of which cannot be synthesized in the body and so must be consumed in the diet. |
aminoglycoside |
any of a group of antibiotics, such as streptomycin, that is used to treat bacterial infections. |
amir |
a variant of emir. |
Amish |
a Christian sect that separated from the Mennonites in the seventeenth century, the members of which advocate simple living and now live mostly in farming areas of the northeastern United States. [3 definitions] |
amiss |
out of the proper course or order; wrongly; mistakenly. [2 definitions] |
amitosis |
direct cell division in which the nucleus divides without the formation of chromosomes. (Cf. mitosis.) |
amitriptyline |
a tricyclic antidepressant drug used to treat depression, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and other mental disorders. |
amity |
friendly and peaceful relations; good will. |