antipoverty |
intended to diminish or end poverty. |
antipredator |
combined form of predator. |
antiprofiteering |
combined form of profiteering. |
antiprogressive |
combined form of progressive. |
antiprostitution |
combined form of prostitution. |
antiproton |
in physics, the antiparticle of a proton. |
antipruritic |
combined form of pruritic. |
antipyretic |
diminishing or preventing fever. [2 definitions] |
antiquarian |
of or pertaining to antiques, or the study of them. [3 definitions] |
antiquark |
the antiparticle of the quark. |
antiquary |
a student or collector of, or expert in, antiques or antiquities. |
antiquate |
to make obsolete or old-fashioned. |
antique |
made in or belonging to earlier times; of a period long past. [5 definitions] |
antiquity |
ancient times, esp. prior to the Middle Ages. [4 definitions] |
antirabies |
combined form of rabies. |
antiracism |
combined form of racism. |
antiracist |
combined form of racist. |
antiradar |
combined form of radar. |
antiradical |
combined form of radical. |
antiradicalism |
combined form of radicalism. |
antirational |
combined form of rational. |