As |
symbol of the chemical element arsenic. |
as1 |
equally; to the same extent or degree. [11 definitions] |
as2 |
an ancient Roman unit of weight equal to approximately twelve ounces; libra. [2 definitions] |
as- |
to. |
asafetida |
a gum resin obtained from Oriental plants related to the carrot, with a strong, offensive odor and a bitter taste, formerly used as a medicine. |
as a matter of fact |
actually; in fact (often used when the information that follows will be surprising to the listener or a rejection of what was said previously.) |
abbreviation of "as soon as possible" (sometimes pronounced as an acronym.) |
as a whole |
when regarded in entirety. |
asbestos |
one of two forms of a mineral that can be separated into fibers, is not combustible, and is resistant to chemical action, used to make fireproofing and insulating materials. [2 definitions] |
asbestosis |
a chronic lung disease marked by thickening and scarring of the lung tissue that is caused by prolonged exposure to asbestos. |
ascarid |
any of various worms, including intestinal parasites such as the roundworm and the pinworm. |
ascend |
to go upward; climb; rise. [5 definitions] |
ascendable |
combined form of ascend. |
ascendancy |
the state of being in a dominant position; dominance. |
ascendant |
moving upward; rising; ascending. [4 definitions] |
ascension |
the act or process of rising; ascent. [3 definitions] |
Ascension Day |
the fortieth day following Easter, observing the ascent of Jesus Christ into heaven. |
ascent |
the act of going up; rise. [4 definitions] |
ascertain |
to come to know (some information) with complete certainty, especially through a process of investigation; determine. |
ascertainable |
combined form of ascertain. |
ascetic |
one who practices extreme self-denial, esp. of material comforts and pleasures, and esp. for religious reasons. [3 definitions] |