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assonance similarity in sounds, esp. vowel sounds. [2 definitions]
as soon as no later than the time that, or immediately after the moment that.
as soon as possible within the shortest amount of time possible.
assort to arrange or classify in groups; sort. [2 definitions]
assorted of different kinds or sorts, collected together; variety. [2 definitions]
assortment a collection of various sorts of things; variety. [2 definitions]
asst. abbreviation of "assistant," a person holding a secondary or junior position in an office or organization.
assuage to make less severe or more bearable; alleviate. [2 definitions]
as such in itself.
assume to suppose (something) to be true based on logic but without evidence; take for granted. [4 definitions]
assumed designed to deceive; feigned or pretended. [2 definitions]
assuming showing presumption or arrogance.
assumption the act of supposing or taking for granted. [5 definitions]
assurance an assertion meant to instill confidence. [3 definitions]
assure to say to with force or conviction in order to create trust or give confidence. [3 definitions]
assured made secure; guaranteed. [2 definitions]
Assyria an ancient empire in Southwest Asia between the Persian Gulf and the Mediterranean, with an extension into Egypt.
Assyrian of or pertaining to Assyria or its people, culture, language, or the like. [3 definitions]
Astana the former name of the capital city of Kazakhstan.
Astarte in Semitic mythology, a goddess of love and fertility.
astatine a highly radioactive chemical element of the halogen group that has eighty-five protons in each nucleus. (symbol: At)