atop |
at or on the highest point. [2 definitions] |
atopic |
of or relating to a genetic tendency to develop allergic reactions. |
atopy |
a genetic tendency to develop allergic reactions that is typically associated with a heightened immune response to certain allergens. |
-ator |
one that does (such) a thing or acts in (such) a way. |
atorvastatin |
a drug that lowers lipid levels in blood. |
-atory |
of or pertaining to. [3 definitions] |
a tough nut to crack |
a problem or situation that is difficult to solve or cope with. [2 definitions] |
a biochemical compound that serves to store energy in all living cells; adenosine triphosphate. (Cf. ADP.) |
at present |
right now. |
atrabilious |
sad, gloomy, or melancholy. [2 definitions] |
atresia |
the abnormal absence or closure of an orifice or passage within the body. [2 definitions] |
at rest |
inactive, not moving, or in repose. [2 definitions] |
Atreus |
in Greek mythology, king of Mycenae and father of Agamemnon and Menelaus. |
a trifle |
a little bit; somewhat; slightly. |
atrioventricular |
of, involving, or located between the atria and ventricles of the heart. |
atrium |
an enclosed courtyard, esp. in ancient Roman houses or early Christian churches. [2 definitions] |
atrocious |
exceptionally evil, ruthless, or brutal. [2 definitions] |
atrocity |
an exceptionally evil, ruthless, or cruel act. [2 definitions] |
atrophy |
a gradual wasting away of a body part, esp. from insufficient use or nourishment. [4 definitions] |
atropine |
a toxic extract of belladonna used to control spasms and pain and to enlarge the pupils of the eye. |
at sea |
on the ocean waters. [2 definitions] |