Attica |
the region around Athens, Greece, that was ruled by the city in classical times. |
Atticism |
a style, idiom, mannerism, custom, or the like, that is characteristic of Attic Greek. [2 definitions] |
Attic salt |
(often l.c.) sharp wit, skillfully phrased; Attic wit. |
Attic wit |
see "Attic salt." |
Attila |
the king of the Huns that invaded Europe in the fifth century (406?-453 A.D.). |
at times |
occasionally or sometimes. |
attire |
to dress, esp. in fancy or elegant clothes. [2 definitions] |
attitude |
a feeling or mental state in regard to something or someone. [2 definitions] |
attitudinize |
to display intentionally a particular attitude; strike a pose; posture. |
attn. |
abbreviation of "attention," consideration or notice (usu. used beneath an address on an envelope to refer to a specific individual, department, or the like, to whom the envelope should be delivered upon receipt). |
attorney |
one whose profession is to give legal advice and to act as a representative in court during legal proceedings; lawyer; attorney-at-law. |
attorney-at-law |
an attorney; lawyer. |
attorney general |
the chief law officer and legal advisor of a state or nation. [2 definitions] |
attract |
to cause to come near, as by some special quality or action. [4 definitions] |
attraction |
the act or power of attracting. [4 definitions] |
attractive |
having qualities that draw others; having the power of attraction. [2 definitions] |
attribute |
to regard as the result of. [4 definitions] |
attribution |
the act or fact of attributing. |
attributive |
acting as or having the quality of an attribute or attribution. [3 definitions] |
attrition |
a gradual wearing down or erosion as a result of friction. [3 definitions] |
attune |
to adjust so as to be harmonious. |