baking soda |
a white powder used as a leavening agent in baking, an antacid, a mouthwash, and a fire extinguisher; sodium bicarbonate. |
baklava |
a dessert of various regions near the Mediterranean made from layers of flaky pastry, honey, and nuts. |
baksheesh |
in several Near Eastern countries, a gift of money; tip. |
Baku |
the capital of Azerbaijan. |
balaclava |
a knitted garment that covers the head and neck and leaves open the face or parts of the face, often used by skiers, mountain climbers, and the like. |
balalaika |
a guitarlike musical instrument that has a triangular body and usu. three strings. |
balance |
a state in which opposing forces are equal. [8 definitions] |
balance beam |
a long wooden horizontal beam raised about four feet above the floor, on which women gymnasts perform various balancing routines. [2 definitions] |
balanced |
not going too far in the direction of any extreme so that rationality, harmony, or stability is achieved; keeping to proper proportions. [2 definitions] |
balance of payments |
the difference between a nation's payments to another nation and its receipts from the other nation, including imports, exports, and other flow of capital. |
balance of power |
a sufficient distribution of military or economic power among governments to prevent any one from excessively dominating others. [2 definitions] |
balance of trade |
the difference in value between a country's total imports and its total exports. |
balance sheet |
a financial statement of an individual's or business's assets and liabilities on a given date. |
balance wheel |
a wheel that regulates the movement of parts of a mechanism, as in a watch or a music box. |
balata |
a tropical American tree with dark red wood that yields a latex sap. [2 definitions] |
balboa |
the chief monetary unit of Panama, equaling one hundred centesimos. |
balbriggan |
a knitted cotton cloth used in underwear, pajamas, and the like. |
balcony |
an elevated platform projecting from the outer wall of a building, surrounded with a railing or low restraining wall. [2 definitions] |
bald |
having little or no hair on the scalp. [4 definitions] |
baldachin |
a silk brocade fabric having gold and silver threads. [3 definitions] |
bald cypress |
a cone-bearing tree that grows in the swamps of the southeastern United States, the wood of which is used in construction and shipbuilding. |