bear1 |
to carry. [9 definitions] |
bear2 |
a large, usu. omnivorous, furry mammal with a short tail. [5 definitions] |
bearable |
capable of being endured; tolerable. |
bear arms |
to carry and possess weapons. |
beard |
the facial hair of a man, or the extended growth of such hair. [4 definitions] |
bearded |
having a substantial growth of beard. |
beardless |
combined form of beard. |
bearer |
someone or something that carries or supports. [2 definitions] |
bearing |
manner of conduct, behavior, or physical carriage. [5 definitions] |
bear in mind |
to remember or pay attention to (some information) that is in one's mind. |
bearish |
like a bear in physique or manner; burly; clumsy; rude. [2 definitions] |
béarnaise sauce |
a sauce made of butter, egg yolks, shallots, vinegar, and herbs, served over meat or fish. |
bearskin |
the pelt or hide of a bear. [2 definitions] |
bear up |
to face hardship without despairing; withstand difficulty or stress; be brave; endure. |
bear with |
to continue with despite aggravations; be patient with; be tolerant of. |
beast |
any four-footed mammal, esp. as distinguished from humans or from birds and invertebrates. [3 definitions] |
beastly |
of or like a beast in appearance or manner. [2 definitions] |
beast of burden |
an animal such as a donkey or ox used esp. for heavy work or carrying loads. |
beat |
to hit (someone or something) repeatedly. [15 definitions] |
beatable |
able to be defeated. |
beat about the bush |
to intentionally avoid the central matter or point. |