bedeck |
to dress or decorate in a showy way; adorn extravagantly. |
bedevil |
to annoy or harass devilishly; torment. |
bedew |
to cover with drops of dew or other moisture. |
bedfast |
obliged to stay in bed, as due to illness; bedridden. |
bedfellow |
a person who sleeps in the same bed as another. [2 definitions] |
Bedford Stuyvesant |
a neighborhood in the the New York City borough of Brooklyn, sometimes referred to as "Bed Stuy." |
bedim |
to make dim, dark, or obscure. |
bedizen |
to dress or decorate in a flashy, garish fashion. |
bed jacket |
a woman's loose garment designed to be worn over a nightgown while sitting up in bed. |
bedlam |
a situation or scene of confused disorder and uproar. |
bed linen |
sheets and pillowcases collectively. |
Bedlington terrier |
one of a breed of dog that has a blue or reddish brown thick fleecy coat, and that resembles a lamb when groomed. |
bed of roses |
a condition or situation that is comfortable, easy, or luxurious. |
be done with |
to have no further relationship or connection with; end. |
Bedouin |
any tribe or member of a tribe of Arab nomads living in the deserts of the Arabian Peninsula, Syria, or North Africa. [2 definitions] |
bedpan |
a shallow pan for use as a toilet by one who cannot get out of bed. |
bedpost |
one of the vertical supports at the corners of a bed. |
bedraggled |
dirty, wet, or limp from having wandered or been dragged through mud and water. [2 definitions] |
bed rest |
resting in bed. |
bedridden |
confined to bed by weakness or illness, esp. for a long time. |
bedrock |
the solid layer of rock in the earth's surface, usu. beneath soil, sand, gravel, or the like. [3 definitions] |