beechnut |
the small, edible nut of the beech tree. |
bee-eater |
any of several small, brightly colored tropical birds that feed chiefly on bees and other insects. |
beef |
the flesh of a cow or steer, or such animals when raised for meat. [4 definitions] |
beefalo |
the hybrid offspring of beef cattle and the American buffalo. |
beef bourguignon |
a dish consisting of braised cubes of beef in a red-wine sauce, often with mushrooms or other vegetables. |
beefcake |
(informal) photography of men with attractive physiques, usu. in brief garments. (Cf. cheesecake.) |
beef cattle |
cattle bred and raised for meat. |
beefeater |
a guard at the Tower of London, or a yeoman in the English royal guard. |
bee fly |
any of several two-winged flies that resemble bees and that feed on pollen and nectar. |
beefsteak |
a slice of beef for frying or broiling, usu. cut from the loin or hindquarters. |
beefsteak tomato |
any large red flavorful tomato. |
beef up |
to add improvements to (something) to make it stronger or more efficient. |
beef Wellington |
a dish consisting of a lightly roasted piece of beef covered with pâté de foie gras, surrounded with pastry, and baked. |
beefy |
of or resembling beef. [2 definitions] |
beehive |
the constructed shelter in which bees live. [2 definitions] |
beekeeper |
one who raises bees. |
beeline |
the most direct course, usu. traveled quickly. |
Beelzebub |
according to the New Testament, the chief devil; Satan. |
bee moth |
a moth that lays its eggs in beehives, the wax of which provides food for the moth larvae. |
been |
past participle of be. |
beep |
a short, usu. high-pitched warning signal. [3 definitions] |