Bibb lettuce |
a variety of lettuce with a small round head of loose, tender, dark green leaves. |
bibcock |
a faucet with a downward-bent nozzle. |
bibelot |
a small curio or trinket, usu. kept or displayed as a decorative object. |
Bible |
the principal sacred writings of Judaism, comprising the Old Testament, and of Christianity, comprising both the Old and New Testaments. [3 definitions] |
bibless |
combined form of bib. |
Biblical |
(often l.c.) of, pertaining to, or in the Bible. [2 definitions] |
Biblicist |
a specialist in Bible studies. [2 definitions] |
biblio- |
book. |
bibliography |
a list of writings about a certain subject. [4 definitions] |
bibliomancy |
the making of predictions, answering of questions, or the like, based on the interpretation of a randomly selected passage from a book, esp. the Bible. |
bibliomania |
a craze for acquiring and owning books, esp. rare books. |
bibliophile |
a lover or collector of books, esp. for the fine or rare physical qualities of their paper, printing, binding, or the like. |
bibliopole |
a bookseller, esp. of rare books. |
bibulous |
addicted to alcohol; alcoholic. [2 definitions] |
bicameral |
having two legislative chambers or branches. |
bicarbonate |
a chemical that is a variety of carbonate, used esp. in baking or as an antacid. (See sodium bicarbonate.) |
bicarbonate of soda |
see "sodium bicarbonate" and "baking soda." |
bicentenary |
occurring every two hundred years; bicentennial. [2 definitions] |
bicentennial |
occurring once every two hundred years. [4 definitions] |
biceps |
a muscle divided in two parts at its origin, esp. the large muscle at the front of the upper arm that bends the elbow. |
bichloride |
a chemical compound in which there are two atoms of chlorine for each atom of another element or group; dichloride. |