birefringence |
the splitting of a light wave into two perpendicular waves that have different speeds, as in some crystals. |
bireme |
a galley of ancient times, with two tiers of oarsmen on each side. |
biretta |
in the Roman Catholic and some Anglican churches, a stiff, square cap with three or four raised ridges, worn by clergymen and varying in color according to their rank. |
birl |
to rotate (a floating log) by running in place on its exposed surface, as in a contest among lumberjacks. |
birling |
a game or contest of skill between two lumberjacks, won by whoever maintains his balance longest while balancing on and rotating a floating log. |
birr1 |
a whirring sound. [3 definitions] |
birr2 |
the chief monetary unit of Ethiopia, equaling one hundred cents. |
birth |
the process or fact of being born. [4 definitions] |
birth certificate |
an official document recording the time and place of a person's birth and the names of the parents. |
birth control |
control of the number and timing of children born, esp. through the use of contraceptive devices or drugs. |
birthday |
the calendar day and month of one's birth, which is often celebrated as it occurs every year, or the day of the inception of something such as a nation. |
birthmark |
a mark or mole on the skin present from birth. |
birthplace |
the place of birth or origin, of a person or of an idea, movement, or the like. |
birthrate |
the number of births in a specified place or group per unit of time, usu. expressed as a quantity per thousand of the total specified population. |
birthright |
a right, privilege, or possession, such as property, to which one is entitled by birth. |
birthstone |
a precious or semiprecious jewel traditionally associated with the month of one's birth. |
biscuit |
an unsweetened bread roll in the shape of a small cake, made with a generous amount of shortening and leavened with baking powder or baking soda instead of yeast. [4 definitions] |
bisect |
to cut or split into two equal parts. [3 definitions] |
bisexual |
of or pertaining to both sexes. [5 definitions] |
Bishkek |
the capital of Kyrgyzstan. |
bishop |
a clergyman who holds a high position in certain Christian churches and is often in charge of a diocese or of a number of churches. [2 definitions] |