blitzkrieg |
a blitz. [2 definitions] |
blizzard |
a heavy and widespread snowstorm of lengthy duration. [2 definitions] |
bloat |
to make swollen or distended, as with air or water. [5 definitions] |
bloated |
of a part of the body, swollen due to an excess of fluid or gas. [3 definitions] |
bloater |
a herring or mackerel cured by salting, smoking, and briefly drying. [2 definitions] |
blob |
a shapeless, soft mass. [3 definitions] |
bloc |
an alliance of people, nations, or organizations working together to achieve some legislative or political goal. |
block |
a solid piece of hard material such as wood, concrete, or ice, usu. flat on the sides. [19 definitions] |
blockade |
the barring or shutting off of traffic in and out of an area, such as a seaport or city, by hostile military forces. [3 definitions] |
blockage |
the act of blocking, or the condition of being blocked. [2 definitions] |
block and tackle |
a rigging of pulley blocks and rope or cables used to provide leverage for hauling or lifting heavy loads. |
blockbuster |
a person or thing of great force and overwhelming power. [2 definitions] |
blockbusting |
having overwhelming force or effectiveness. [3 definitions] |
blocker |
in football, an offensive player who tries to block defensive players from tackling the ball carrier. [2 definitions] |
blockhead |
a stupid or dull person; oaf. |
blockhouse |
a fortified building with openings for cannons and rifles to fire through, formerly built of heavy wooden timbers. [3 definitions] |
blockish |
like a block of wood in sensitivity or awareness; dull or stupid. |
block letter |
a simple, hand-printed capital letter. [2 definitions] |
blocky |
like a block in bulk; chunky. [2 definitions] |
Bloemfontein |
the judicial capital of South Africa. (Cf. Cape Town, Pretoria.) |
blog |
shortened form of "Web log," an online journal that may be personal or topical, in which the author makes regular entries that appear in reverse chronological order and can be read by the general public. [2 definitions] |