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bollard any of the thick stout posts on a wharf or pier, to which the mooring lines of vessels are attached. [2 definitions]
bollix (informal) to mismanage or botch (usu. fol. by "up").
bollock a testicle. [2 definitions]
bollocks (chiefly British; vulgar slang) the testicles. [3 definitions]
boll weevil a small, grayish beetle with a long snout, whose larvae hatch in and destroy cotton bolls.
bolo a large machetelike knife used in the Philippines to cut through jungle vegetation.
bologna a large smoked sausage made of several ground meats and various seasonings.
bolo tie a cord worn around the neck as a tie, the ends of which are held together with an ornamental sliding clasp.
Bolshevik (often l.c.) a member of the majority faction of the party that seized power in 1917 and formed the Communist party in the Soviet Union. [3 definitions]
bolster a pillow or cushion, esp. a long, cylindrical one used on a sofa or bed. [4 definitions]
bolt1 a metal or wooden bar on a door that slides into a socket on the doorframe to secure the door in a closed position. [14 definitions]
bolt2 to sift, as with a sieve.
bolt from the blue something that occurs without warning and with shocking abruptness.
bolt upright in a rigidly attentive position.
bolus a large pill or ball of medicine, used primarily for large animals. [2 definitions]
bomb a metal shell filled with explosives that is dropped, thrown, or otherwise directed at a certain target for destructive purposes. [8 definitions]
bombard to attack with bombs, cannon fire, or artillery. [4 definitions]
bombardier one who operates the bombsight and bomb-release mechanism in a bomber aircraft.
bombardier beetle any of several beetles that spray an acrid, irritating fluid from the abdomen as a method of self-defense.
bombast boastful, pompous, or otherwise overblown utterances.
bombastic overblown or pretentious, as speech, writing, or a person speaking or writing in this way.