bone marrow |
the the soft fatty tissue at the core of most bones, where many types of blood cells form and mature before entering the blood stream. |
bone meal |
bones that have been coarsely ground, used as fertilizer and animal feed. |
bone of contention |
an issue or matter that causes or is the focus of disagreement. |
boner |
a stupid or foolish error; blunder. |
boneset |
any of various plants of eastern North America that bear broad, flat clusters of small white flowers, used in folk medicine for their supposed healing qualities; thoroughwort. |
bone white |
a yellowish or grayish white color. |
bonfire |
a large, outdoor fire, often made for entertainment or warmth. |
bong1 |
the sound made by a large bell or gong. [2 definitions] |
bong2 |
a water pipe used for smoking marijuana or other narcotics. |
bongo1 |
an African antelope that is reddish brown with white stripes and has spiral-shaped horns. |
bongo2 |
one of a set of two small, connected drums, usu. tuned to different pitches, and played with the fingers. |
bonhomie |
genial disposition or attitude; affability. |
bonito |
any of various ocean fishes of the mackerel family, resembling the tuna and taken for food or game. |
bonjour |
(French) good day or good morning; hello. |
bonk |
to strike (the head) with a hollow sound. [3 definitions] |
bon mot |
a particularly apt or witty word or expression. |
Bonn |
the former capital of West Germany. |
bonnet |
a traditional women's cloth hat with a brim and fastened beneath the chin with ribbons, now worn primarily by infants. [6 definitions] |
bonobo |
any of a species of highly intelligent African ape related to but smaller than the chimpanzee and exhibiting various human-like behaviors. The bonobo's habitat in the wild is limited to an area within the Democratic Republic of the Congo. |
bonsai |
a dwarf tree, made small and shaped by various pruning techniques. [2 definitions] |
bonsoir |
(French) good evening (used as a greeting or farewell). |