bookstand |
a stand on which a book can be propped open at reading height. [2 definitions] |
bookstore |
a store in which books are the primary items for sale. |
book value |
the value of a business, asset, share of stock, or the like, as shown in the financial accounting records. (Cf. market value.) |
bookworm |
a person much devoted to books and study. [2 definitions] |
boom1 |
to make a prolonged, deep, resounding noise. [7 definitions] |
boom2 |
a long horizontal pole that extends and positions the bottom of a sail. [5 definitions] |
boom box |
a portable stereo radio with built-in speakers, a carrying handle, and usu. a cassette or CD player, capable of producing loud sound. |
boomerang |
a curved wooden club designed to return to the thrower when hurled, used as a hunting weapon by Australian aborigines. [3 definitions] |
boon1 |
something beneficial, as a favor or blessing. |
boon2 |
congenial; jolly. |
boondocks |
(slang) isolated, rural countryside (usu. prec. by "the"). |
boondoggle |
unnecessary, wasteful, or impractical work; make-work. [3 definitions] |
boonies |
(slang) isolated, rural countryside (usu. prec. by "the"). |
boor |
a rough-mannered or insensitive person. [2 definitions] |
boorish |
of or resembling a boor; rude; ill-mannered; crude. |
boost |
to raise to a higher position by pushing from below. [6 definitions] |
booster |
someone or something that boosts. [4 definitions] |
booster shot |
an injection of an immunizing agent, given at some time after an original series of such injections, to maintain immunity. |
boot |
a covering for the foot and all or some of the leg, usu. made of leather or rubber and worn for protection. [10 definitions] |
bootable |
combined form of boot. |
bootblack |
one whose occupation is cleaning and polishing boots and shoes. |