brandish |
to wave or shake (something such as a weapon) in a threatening or agitated manner. [3 definitions] |
brand name |
the name by which a particular brand of a product is popularly known or advertised; trade name. |
brand-new |
in an unused, fresh condition; completely new. [2 definitions] |
brandy |
a strong alcoholic beverage made by distilling fermented fruit juice or wine. [2 definitions] |
brant |
any of several small dark-colored European or North American geese that breed in arctic regions and migrate south in the fall. |
brash |
rudely self-assertive; bold; impudent. [2 definitions] |
brasier |
variant of brazier1. |
Brasilia |
the capital of Brazil. |
brass |
a yellow alloy consisting mainly of copper and zinc. [6 definitions] |
brassard |
a band of material worn as a badge about the upper arm; armband. [2 definitions] |
brass band |
a musical group or band composed mostly of brass instruments. |
brasserie |
an informal restaurant that serves beer as well as food. |
brassie |
a wooden golf club with a brass-plated sole, used to hit long, low shots; a number two wood. |
brassiere |
a woman's undergarment designed to support the breasts; bra. |
brass knuckles |
a band of metal with finger holes that is worn over the knuckles in a fist fight in order to cause greater injury than bare knuckles. |
brass tacks |
(informal) the essential facts or issues; basics (usu. prec. by "get down to"). |
brassware |
collectively, items made of brass. |
brassy1 |
made of, decorated with, or resembling brass. [4 definitions] |
brassy2 |
variant of brassie. |
brat |
an annoying, spoiled, or badly behaved child. |
Bratislava |
the capital of the Slovak Republic. |