Bratislava |
the capital of the Slovak Republic. |
bratwurst |
a highly seasoned pork and veal sausage. |
bravado |
a false, exaggerated, or boastful display of courage. |
brave |
ready to face pain or danger; courageous. [6 definitions] |
bravery |
the quality or condition of being brave; fearlessness; courage. [2 definitions] |
bravo |
good! well done! (used to express approval). [4 definitions] |
bravura |
a musical piece or passage requiring great spirit or expertise of the performer. [2 definitions] |
brawl |
a noisy fight or argument. [3 definitions] |
brawn |
large, solid muscles. [2 definitions] |
brawny |
having large strong muscles. |
bray1 |
the cry uttered by a donkey. [5 definitions] |
bray2 |
to pound until fine, in or as if in a mortar. |
braze1 |
to make out of brass. [2 definitions] |
braze2 |
to solder (metal objects) together using a material with a high melting point, such as copper or zinc. |
brazen |
made of or resembling brass. [3 definitions] |
brazier1 |
one who makes brass objects. |
brazier2 |
a metal container designed to hold hot coals or charcoal, and used for heating a room. [2 definitions] |
Brazil |
the largest South American country, on the Atlantic coast; United States of Brazil. |
Brazilian |
of or pertaining to Brazil or its people, culture, language, or the like. [2 definitions] |
Brazilian wandering spider |
any of a family of highly venomous, quick-moving, and aggressive spiders native to the rainforests of Brazil, also known as the banana spider for the frequency with which members of this family are found in bunches of bananas. |
Brazil nut |
a large, oily triangular nut, the seed of a large tropical South American tree, or the tree itself. |