bridgework |
any of various types of dental bridges, or such bridges collectively. [2 definitions] |
bridle |
the part of a horse harness that includes the bit and reins and is used to guide or control. [5 definitions] |
bridle path |
a wide trail used for horseback riding, pack horses, or the like. |
brief |
short in duration. [8 definitions] |
briefcase |
a small rectangular case for carrying documents or books. |
briefly |
in a way that is not lengthy; for a short time. |
brier1 |
any of several thorny plants or shrubs, esp. the sweetbrier or greenbrier. [2 definitions] |
brier2 |
a white heath of southern Europe, the woody root of which is used in making tobacco pipes. |
brierroot |
the woody root of the brier or other woods used to make tobacco pipes. [2 definitions] |
brierwood |
the wood of the root of the brier; brierroot. |
brig |
a two-masted sailing vessel with square-rigged sails. [2 definitions] |
brigade |
a military unit comprising several squadrons or battalions. [3 definitions] |
brigadier |
(informal) in the U.S. military, a brigadier general. [2 definitions] |
brigadier general |
a U.S. military officer ranking above a colonel and below a major general. |
brigand |
an outlaw or bandit, esp. a member of a gang of robbers. |
brigantine |
a two-masted sailing vessel with square-rigged sails on the front mast and a fore-and-aft mainsail. |
bright |
filled with, reflecting, or emitting much light; shining. [7 definitions] |
brighten |
to become or make luminous, bright, or brighter. [2 definitions] |
brightness |
the quality, state, or condition of being bright. [2 definitions] |
brights |
the lights on the front of your car when you use your high beams. |
Bright's disease |
chronic inflammation of the blood vessels in the kidneys. |