bronco |
a wild or semi-tamed horse or pony of western North America. |
broncobuster |
a person who trains wild horses so that they can be ridden. |
brontosaur |
a huge, herbivorous dinosaur of the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods. |
Bronx |
the northernmost New York City borough. |
Bronx cheer |
(informal) a sound of derision and contempt made by vibrating the tongue and lips while exhaling forcibly; raspberry. |
bronze |
an alloy consisting mainly of copper and tin. [4 definitions] |
Bronze Age |
the stage or level of development of human culture that followed the Stone Age and was characterized by the use of bronze tools and weapons; about 3,500 B.C. to 1,000 B.C. |
bronze medal |
a medal, usu. made of bronze, given to the third-place contestant, as in a race or other competition. |
Bronze Star |
a U.S. military medal given for heroic or outstanding achievement in ground combat. |
brooch |
a piece of jewelry attached to clothing with a pin or clasp. |
brood |
a group of young birds or other animals hatched or born at the same time to one mother. [7 definitions] |
brooder |
a person, thing, or animal that broods. [2 definitions] |
broodmare |
a mare kept primarily for breeding. |
broody |
tending to brood or worry; moody. [2 definitions] |
brook1 |
a small freshwater stream. |
brook2 |
to tolerate. |
brooklet |
a small brook. |
Brooklyn |
a New York City borough on the western end of Long Island. |
brook trout |
a speckled freshwater trout of eastern North America; speckled trout. |
broom |
a device for sweeping, consisting of a bundle of straw or bristles attached to a long handle. [3 definitions] |
broomcorn |
a cultivated grass variety with stiff-branched flower stalks used in making brooms and brushes. |