careless |
not cautious or attentive enough; negligent (often fol. by "with," "about," or "in"). [5 definitions] |
caress |
a soft or gentle touching, often to express affection or love. [3 definitions] |
caret |
an editorial sign (^) that indicates where an insertion is to be made in a text. |
caretaker |
an employee responsible for the physical maintenance of property, such as a building or grounds. [2 definitions] |
careworn |
showing the effects of prolonged worry. |
carfare |
the amount charged for public transportation, as on a city bus. |
cargo |
the goods carried by a ship, airplane, or other vehicle; freight. |
carhop |
one who waits on customers in their cars at a drive-in restaurant. |
Carib |
a member of a group of Indian peoples of the northeast South American coast and the Antilles. [2 definitions] |
Caribbean |
of or pertaining to the islands and countries in the Caribbean Sea, or their peoples, languages, cultures, and the like. [4 definitions] |
Caribbean Sea |
an extension of the Atlantic bordered by the West Indies and Central and South America. |
caribe |
the piranha. |
caribou |
any of several large deer related to reindeer, having branched antlers in both males and females and found in the far northern regions of North America. |
caricature |
a depiction, in a drawing or verbal description, that deliberately exaggerates or distorts some features of the person or thing represented to produce a comic or grotesque appearance. [4 definitions] |
caries |
bone decay, esp. tooth decay. |
carillon |
a musical instrument composed of a stationary set of bells hung in a tower, usu. played from a keyboard that activates hammers. [2 definitions] |
carillonneur |
one who plays the carillon. |
carina |
in biology, a thin ridgelike structure, such as the projecting part of a bird's breastbone. |
cariole |
a small open two-wheeled carriage drawn by one horse. [2 definitions] |
carious |
having caries; decayed, as teeth. |
caritas |
(Latin) love; charity. |