chip in |
to contribute money or effort. [2 definitions] |
chipmunk |
a small, squirrel-like rodent with a striped back and bushy tail, found in North America and Asia. |
chip off the old block |
one who is very similar to one of his or her parents. |
chip on one's shoulder |
a persistent feeling of resentment or unhappiness; grudge. |
chipped beef |
dried beef, sometimes smoked, that is very thinly sliced. |
Chippendale |
of, pertaining to, or denoting an eighteenth-century English style of furniture marked by graceful lines and, often, rococo decoration. |
chipper1 |
(informal) in good health or spirits; cheerful. |
chipper2 |
to utter a chirp or succession of chirps. [2 definitions] |
chipper3 |
one that cuts or chips. |
Chippewa |
Ojibwa. |
chip shot |
a short golf shot, used in approaching the green, in which the ball is lofted and rolls some distance after landing. |
chiro- |
hand. |
chirography |
penmanship; handwriting. |
chiromancy |
the practice of divining a person's character or future from the characteristics of his or her hand; palmistry. |
chiropodist |
one who practices chiropody; podiatrist. |
chiropody |
the professional treatment of minor ailments of the human foot; podiatry. |
chiropractic |
a system of healing in which manipulation of the spinal column and other body structures is used to restore normal nerve function and thus good health. |
chiropractor |
one who practices chiropractic. |
chirp |
to utter a short, high-pitched sound, as of a grasshopper or small bird. [3 definitions] |
chirr |
to make a shrill buzzing or trilling sound, as certain insects. [2 definitions] |
chirrup |
to make a short shrill sound, often repeatedly; chirp. [2 definitions] |