cloud |
a visible body, usu. white or gray, of fine water droplets high in the earth's atmosphere. [8 definitions] |
cloudberry |
a berry produced by this plant, resembling a yellowish or amber raspberry and used for food. [2 definitions] |
cloudburst |
a sudden, heavy rainstorm. |
cloud-cuckoo-land |
a fanciful, unrealistic, or Utopian place or condition. |
cloudless |
combined form of cloud. |
cloud nine |
(informal) a state of great happiness or bliss. |
cloud up |
to become cloudy. |
cloudy |
characterized by the presence of clouds; overcast. [5 definitions] |
clout |
a powerful blow or stroke, esp. with the fist. [3 definitions] |
clove1 |
the dried flower bud of an East Indian tree, used as a spice. [2 definitions] |
clove2 |
one of the small plant bulbs formed from the main bulb, esp. in garlic. |
clove3 |
a past tense of cleave2. |
cloven |
a past participle of cleave2. [2 definitions] |
cloven foot |
see "cloven hoof." |
cloven hoof |
a hoof or foot divided into two parts by a cleft, characteristic of deer, sheep, and goats; cloven foot. [2 definitions] |
clover |
any of various plants having three-lobed leaves and small, dense flowers, and often used for pasturage or hay. (See four-leaf clover.) [2 definitions] |
cloverleaf |
a set of interchange roads, patterned like a four-leaf clover, at the intersection of two highways that are on different levels. [2 definitions] |
Clovis point |
the oldest known type of flint tool in North America, esp. spearheads, dating to approximately 13,500 years ago and found near Clovis, New Mexico. |
clown |
a comic performer, as in a circus, who wears odd clothes and exaggerated makeup and entertains by jokes, tricks, juggling, and the like. [4 definitions] |
cloy |
to oversupply with something sweet or pleasant so that the experience of these things becomes sickening or wearisome. [2 definitions] |
cloying |
sickening or wearisome by being excessively sweet or pleasant. |