cobelligerent |
a nation not formally allied but cooperating with one or more nations waging war. |
cobia |
a large tropical game fish with a prominent black stripe on either side. |
a computer language using English syntax and a large vocabulary of English words (acronym for "common business-oriented language"). |
cobra |
any of several venomous snakes of Asia and Africa that rear up and flatten the skin of the neck when threatened. [2 definitions] |
cobweb |
a web spun by a spider, esp. an abandoned one, or a single strand of this web. [5 definitions] |
coca |
either of two shrubs native to the Andes, the dried leaves of which are the source of cocaine and other alkaloids. [2 definitions] |
cocaine |
a substance extracted from coca leaves and used as a surface anesthetic or, often illegally, as a stimulating drug. |
cocaptain |
combined form of captain. |
cocatalyst |
combined form of catalyst. |
-coccal |
of, concerning, or caused by a (specified) coccus. |
-coccus |
a round or berry-shaped microorganism. |
coccus |
a sphere-shaped bacterium. |
coccyx |
the small triangular bone at the lower end of the spinal column, consisting of several fused vertebrae. |
cochair |
combined form of chair. |
cochairman |
combined form of chairman. |
cochairperson |
combined form of chairperson. |
cochairwoman |
combined form of chairwoman. |
cochampion |
combined form of champion. |
cochin |
one of a large Asiatic breed of domestic fowl with thickly feathered legs. |
cochineal |
a bright red dye made from the bodies of female scale insects. |
cochineal insect |
any of a family of tropical insects that feeds on certain cactuses, esp. in Mexico, the female of which is the source of a brilliant red dye. |