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come a cropper (informal) to suffer a failure or fiasco. [2 definitions]
come across to discover or encounter by chance. [3 definitions]
come along to join others in going somewhere. [4 definitions]
come apart to separate, or to allow for separation.
come around to regain consciousness; revive. [3 definitions]
comeback (informal) a return to a former status, popularity, level of performance, or the like. [2 definitions]
come back to return. [5 definitions]
come between to break or disturb the relationship between (two people).
come clean (informal) to admit the truth.
Comecon an international trade association of communist nations (acronym for "Council for Mutual Economic Assistance").
comedian a professional entertainer who specializes in telling jokes, acting in humorous skits, and the like. [3 definitions]
comedienne a female entertainer who specializes in humor. [2 definitions]
comedo a blockage of dirt and secretions in a skin duct; blackhead.
comedown a humiliating decline or descent from a former status. [2 definitions]
come down to move to a lower place or position, esp. to the ground or to a lower floor. [9 definitions]
come down on to scold or criticize.
come down to of a thing, to have (something) as its central cause, fundamental essence, or core significance. [2 definitions]
come down with to become ill with (a cold, influenza, or some other illness).
comedy a light, amusing work of theater, film, or literature. [4 definitions]
comedy of manners a comedy that satirizes the customs and manners of fashionable society.
come forward to present oneself to the police or other authority and offer evidence, or to offer oneself as a volunteer for a task.