computer virus |
a code inserted into a host program that can attach itself to and seriously damage other programs, including a computer's system. |
computer worm |
a computer program that can propagate, by itself, from host to host, often causing loss of memory space and sometimes minor harm to a system. |
computing |
the use and operation of computers. [2 definitions] |
comrade |
a close friend who shares one's chief interests. [2 definitions] |
comrade in arms |
a fellow soldier. |
comradery |
variant of camaraderie. |
comradeship |
friendship based on shared or group activities or interests. |
comte |
(French) a nobleman; count. |
comtess |
(French) countess. |
con4 |
shortened form of "convict," a person convicted of a crime. |
con1 |
opposing; against. (Cf. pro1.) [2 definitions] |
con2 |
to memorize. [2 definitions] |
con3 |
(informal) pertaining to trickery or deception that involves an abuse of confidence. [3 definitions] |
con- |
with; together; jointly. [2 definitions] |
Conakry |
the seaport capital of Guinea. |
con amore |
lovingly or tenderly (used as a musical direction). [2 definitions] |
con brio |
with vigorous energy and spirit; vivaciously (used as a musical direction). |
concatenate |
to link in a series or chain. [2 definitions] |
concave |
curved inward like the interior of a sphere. (Cf. convex.) [3 definitions] |
concavity |
the condition or quality of being concave. [2 definitions] |
concavo-concave |
having both sides concave. |