confiscate |
to seize by virtue of authority. [3 definitions] |
confiscatory |
of, constituting, characterized by, or having the effect of confiscation. |
Confiteor |
a prayer at the beginning of the Roman Catholic Mass, in which there is a confession of sins. |
conflagration |
a large, damaging fire. |
conflate |
to combine (two or more things) into one; fuse; meld. |
conflict |
to be in strong opposition or disagreement; differ. [6 definitions] |
conflicted |
having feelings about something that contradict one another, often making it difficult to make a decision. |
conflicting |
being in opposition to one another. |
conflict of interest |
a conflict or potential conflict between one of a person's interests or commitments and another, esp. between a public official's private financial interest and his or her public obligations. |
confluence |
a joining or convergence of two or more streams, or their point of junction. [3 definitions] |
conflux |
a confluence; joining; gathering. |
conform |
to be or act in accordance or compliance with an established standard or norm. [4 definitions] |
conformable |
in conformance or harmony; similar; corresponding. [2 definitions] |
conformal |
of, pertaining to, or designating a map, or other depiction of one surface on another, that retains the same angles between all intersecting curves. |
conformance |
the act or state of conforming; conformity. |
conformation |
structure or configuration; form. [4 definitions] |
conformist |
one who tends to act in accordance or compliance with established standards or norms. [2 definitions] |
conformity |
accordance or compliance with a standard or norm. [2 definitions] |
confound |
to perplex or bewilder; confuse. [6 definitions] |
confounded |
confused; bewildered; befuddled. [2 definitions] |
confraternity |
a lay brotherhood that pursues religious or charitable goals. [2 definitions] |