control tower |
a tower at an airport from which air traffic is directed by radio. |
controversial |
of, relating to, or characterized by controversy. [3 definitions] |
controversy |
a dispute, esp. a public one, marked by the expression of opposing views; debate. [2 definitions] |
controvert |
to argue in opposition to. |
contumacious |
stubbornly disobedient; insubordinate; rebellious. |
contumacy |
stubborn and obstinate resistance to authority; rebelliousness. |
contumely |
contemptuous insolence; rudeness. [2 definitions] |
contuse |
to injure without lacerating the skin; bruise. |
contusion |
an injury that does not involve laceration of the skin; bruise. |
conundrum |
a puzzle or problem with a difficult or impossible solution. [2 definitions] |
conurbation |
a large urban area composed of cities and suburbs that have grown and merged together. |
convalesce |
to regain health or strength after an illness or injury. |
convalescence |
the gradual process of recuperation from an illness, or the period during which it takes place. |
convection |
the motion or transmittal of heat through a liquid or gas because of the natural rising of the heated parts and sinking of the cooled parts. |
convene |
to gather or assemble, esp. for a formal meeting. [3 definitions] |
convenience |
the quality of being suitable or handy for one's purpose or need. [4 definitions] |
convenience food |
partially or fully processed food, such as a frozen meal, that can be quickly prepared. |
convenience store |
a store, often near a busy road or highway, that is open long hours and that sells a limited selection of grocery items, especially snacks and beverages, as well as certain pharmaceutical and automotive items. |
convenient |
suitable and easily turned to one's needs, purposes, or comfort. [2 definitions] |
convent |
a society of persons, usu. nuns, devoted to a religious life with the guidance of a superior. [2 definitions] |
conventicle |
a secret religious meeting, esp. of dissenters or members of a nonconformist sect. [2 definitions] |