conventicle |
a secret religious meeting, esp. of dissenters or members of a nonconformist sect. [2 definitions] |
convention |
a formal meeting or assembly called together to discuss or pursue common interests. [4 definitions] |
conventional |
adhering closely to accepted customs and standards. [3 definitions] |
conventionality |
the quality or state of being conventional. [3 definitions] |
conventionalize |
to make conventional. [2 definitions] |
conventional wisdom |
a belief or set of beliefs that is held by most people. |
conventual |
of, like, or pertaining to a convent. [3 definitions] |
converge |
to move toward or meet at a common point. [3 definitions] |
convergence |
the act or condition of converging. [4 definitions] |
convergent |
tending to move toward a common point or intersection. |
conversable |
easy to talk with; affable. [2 definitions] |
conversant |
familiar; acquainted; practiced (usu. fol. by "with" or "in"). |
conversation |
oral exchange of ideas, opinions, and the like. [2 definitions] |
conversational |
of or characteristic of conversation. [2 definitions] |
conversationalist |
a person who takes pleasure in and is skilled at making conversation. |
conversation piece |
an unusual object that attracts attention and stimulates conversation. [2 definitions] |
converse1 |
to have an oral exchange or conversation; talk. [2 definitions] |
converse2 |
opposite; reverse. [2 definitions] |
conversely |
used to put forward a statement or idea that is the opposite or the reverse of one that has just been expressed. |
conversion |
the act or process of converting. [6 definitions] |
convert |
to transform (something) into another form, substance, or state. [5 definitions] |