cosmochemistry |
the science concerned with the distribution of chemical substances in the universe. |
cosmogony |
the study or a theory of the beginnings, structure, and evolution of the universe. |
cosmography |
the science, or a particular description, of the physical arrangement of the universe and the earth. |
cosmology |
the branch of philosophy concerned with the nature, origin, and development of the universe. [2 definitions] |
cosmonaut |
a space traveler or astronaut, esp. one from Russia. |
cosmopolitan |
of, drawn from, or common to all the world or all the peoples of the world. [3 definitions] |
cosmopolite |
a cosmopolitan. |
cosmos |
the totality of material existence, esp. considered as a unified, orderly whole; universe. [4 definitions] |
cosplay |
the activity of wearing clothes, makeup, and accessories associated with a particular character in a movie, comic book, or the like. In addition, cosplay involves roleplay along with others who are engaging in cosplay. Cosplay developed in Japan and is practiced by fans of Japanese anime both in Japan and in other countries. |
cosponsor |
one who jointly sponsors an event, legislation, presentation, or the like. [2 definitions] |
cosponsorship |
combined form of sponsorship. |
Cossack |
a member of any of various tribes of southwestern Russia, many of whom were renowned horsemen in the czars' armies. |
cosset |
to treat indulgently or as a pet; pamper. [2 definitions] |
cost |
the amount charged or given in payment for services or goods; price. [6 definitions] |
cost accounting |
an accounting system in which all costs of production and distribution are itemized and allocated, as to various products. |
costal |
of or relating to the ribs or the rib area. |
costar |
one of two or more lead performers in the same presentation. [3 definitions] |
Costa Rica |
a Central American country between Panama and Nicaragua. |
cost-effective |
producing optimum results for the amount spent; efficient or economical. |
costive |
having or causing difficult or infrequent bowel movement; constipated or constipating. [2 definitions] |
costless |
combined form of cost. |