counterstrategist |
combined form of strategist. |
counterstrategy |
combined form of strategy. |
counterstream |
combined form of stream. |
counterstrike |
combined form of strike. |
counterstroke |
combined form of stroke. |
counterstyle |
combined form of style. |
countersue |
combined form of sue. |
countersuggestion |
combined form of suggestion. |
countersuit |
combined form of suit. |
countersurveillance |
combined form of surveillance. |
countertactics |
combined form of tactics. |
countertendency |
combined form of tendency. |
countertenor |
a man's singing voice that is higher than that of a tenor. [2 definitions] |
counterterror |
combined form of terror. |
counterterrorism |
combined form of terrorism. |
counterterrorist |
combined form of terrorist. |
counterthreat |
combined form of threat. |
counterthrust |
combined form of thrust. |
countertop |
a flat working surface, typically waist-high, esp. that which forms the top of a cabinet unit in a kitchen. |
countertradition |
combined form of tradition. |
countertrend |
combined form of trend. |