crematory |
a furnace for cremating, or the building in which cremation occurs. [2 definitions] |
crème |
cream. [2 definitions] |
crème brûlée |
(French) a rich egg custard with a topping of caramelized sugar. |
crème de cacao |
a sweet, chocolate-flavored liqueur. |
crème de la crème |
cream of the cream (French); the very best. |
crème de menthe |
a sweet, mint-flavored liqueur, usu. green or colorless. |
crenate |
having a scalloped or notched border, as some leaves. |
crenel |
any of the openings or indentations between the solid parts of a wall or battlement. [2 definitions] |
crenelate |
to provide crenels in (a tower or battlement). [2 definitions] |
crenellated |
having notches or indentations, usu. regularly spaced, as in the battlement of a fortress. |
crenellation |
the act of crenelating or state of being crenelated. [2 definitions] |
Creole |
a person of European descent, esp. French or Spanish, born in Central or South America, the West Indies, or the United States Gulf region. [6 definitions] |
creosol |
a colorless or yellowish oily liquid, derived from beechwood tar, used as an antiseptic and found in creosote. |
creosote |
an oily liquid commercially distilled from coal tar or wood for use as a wood preservative and antiseptic, and produced as a waste product in chimneys from the burning of wood as fuel. [2 definitions] |
creosote bush |
an evergreen, resinous shrub of northern Mexico and the southwestern United States, having a strong odor similar to that of creosote. |
crepe |
a thin fabric with a wrinkled or ridged surface. [5 definitions] |
crepe paper |
thin, crinkled paper textured like crepe, esp. used to decorate; crepe. |
crepe rubber |
soft or synthetic rubber of a crinkled texture, esp. used for shoe soles. |
crêpe suzette |
a very thin dessert pancake, often rolled in a tangy fruit sauce and usu. served in flaming liqueur. |
crepitate |
to make repeated crackling sounds; crackle. |
crept |
past tense and past participle of creep. |