crime scene |
a location being investigated by police or other officials because a crime has been committed there and because such location may provide forensic evidence. |
criminal |
of, pertaining to, or having the nature of crime, esp. as opposed to civil violations. [4 definitions] |
criminal conversation |
in law, adultery. |
criminality |
the condition or fact of being criminal. |
criminal law |
that area of law having to do with crime and its punishment. |
criminal lawyer |
a lawyer who specialized in representing clients accused of criminal offenses. |
criminate |
to accuse of a crime. [3 definitions] |
criminology |
the scientific study of crime, criminal behavior, and criminal law systems. |
crimp |
to press into small, regular folds or waves; corrugate. [7 definitions] |
crimpy |
having narrow folds or waves; frizzy, esp. hair. |
crimson |
a dark reddish purple color. |
cringe |
to crouch or shrink back, usu. in fear or distaste; cower. [3 definitions] |
cringle |
a small ring or loop of metal or rope attached to the edge of a sail, through which to run a line. |
crinkle |
to make small ripples or wrinkles. [4 definitions] |
crinkly |
full of wrinkles or creases. [4 definitions] |
crinoid |
an echinoderm characterized by a cup-shaped body to which feathery, radiating arms are attached, such as the sea lily. [3 definitions] |
crinoline |
a stiff petticoat worn under a full skirt to make it stand out. [3 definitions] |
cripple |
(old-fashioned, sometimes offensive) a person or animal that is lame or otherwise physically impaired. [4 definitions] |
crippled |
a word used to describe a person or animal who is not able to use their arms or legs. |
crises |
the plural of crisis. |
crisis |
the point or moment just prior to a decisive and critical change. [2 definitions] |