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Croatian of or pertaining to Croatia or its people, culture, language, or the like. [3 definitions]
crochet needlework made with a hooked needle that draws the thread in a pattern of intertwined loops. [2 definitions]
crock an earthenware container, esp. a pot or jar. [2 definitions]
crocked (slang) drunk.
crockery earthenware dishes and pots collectively.
Crock-Pot trademark for an electric slow cooker that maintains a steady low temperature.
crocodile any of various large reptiles found in tropical swamps, with a thick, tough skin, a long tail, and a pointed snout. [2 definitions]
crocodile tears a hypocritical display of grief; insincere tears.
crocodilian any reptile such as or resembling the alligator, caiman, and crocodile.
crocus any of several small plants, related to the iris, that grow from a bulb and bloom in early spring with a single colorful flower.
croft (chiefly British) a small farm, especially one in Scotland, that is rented by a tenant and is composed of a plot of agricultural land and, typically, an adjoining dwelling. Modern crofts may be owned by the occupiers of the land and dwelling.
croissant a roll in the shape of a crescent, made of leavened dough or puff pastry.
Croix de Guerre a French military decoration for bravery in wartime action.
Cro-Magnon a Caucasoid type of human that lived in Europe from about 60,000 B.C. to about 10,000 B.C.
cromlech a prehistoric monument consisting of upright monoliths arranged in a circle around a mound. [2 definitions]
crone a withered old woman; hag.
Cronus in Greek mythology, a Titan who becomes ruler of the world by overthrowing his father Uranus, but is then overthrown by his son, Zeus; Saturn.
crony a close friend or ally (often used pejoratively).
cronyism partiality or favoritism to one's close friends, esp. in giving political appointments or business contracts.
crook a curved or hooked part of something. [5 definitions]
crooked bent, curved, or twisting. [2 definitions]