cross off |
to remove (a name or other item) from a list. |
cross out |
to remove (something) by drawing a line through it. |
crosspatch |
(informal) an easily annoyed, bad-tempered person. |
crosspiece |
anything, such as a bar, placed across something else. |
cross-pollinate |
to pollinate by placing pollen from one plant on the pistil of another of a different type. |
cross-pollination |
the transfer of pollen, as by bees, from one flower to another of different genetic composition, resulting in the production of a hybrid; cross-fertilization. |
cross-purpose |
a purpose that opposes or conflicts with another. |
cross-question |
to cross-examine. [2 definitions] |
cross-refer |
to make a reference to another part of the same work. |
cross reference |
a reference from one part of a book, index, or file to another part containing additional or related information. |
cross-reference |
to supply with cross references. |
crossroad |
the place where two roads intersect; crossing. [2 definitions] |
crossruff |
a sequence of plays in a card game such as bridge in which each of a pair of partners leads a suit that the other partner trumps. [2 definitions] |
cross section |
a planar view exposed by cutting through an object, usu. at right angles to its longitudinal axis. [3 definitions] |
cross-stitch |
in sewing and embroidery, two stitches that cross to form an X. [3 definitions] |
cross swords |
to meet in physical combat; fight. [2 definitions] |
cross talk |
interference, as on a telephone, radio, or other electronic receiver, by other sound or radio signals from another channel. [2 definitions] |
crosstie |
a transverse timber or rod used to support a longitudinal beam or rail. [2 definitions] |
crosstown |
running or extending across the longitudinal axis, and main thoroughfares, of a city. [2 definitions] |
crosstree |
either of a pair of horizontal bars attached to a ship's masthead in order to spread the shrouds. |
crosswalk |
a lane or path, usu. near the corner of a street, that is marked off as a pedestrian crossing. |