crosswalk |
a lane or path, usu. near the corner of a street, that is marked off as a pedestrian crossing. |
crossway |
the place where two roads or paths intersect; crossroad. |
crosswind |
a wind blowing at an angle across the path of an airplane, ship, or the like. |
crosswise |
so as to cross or lie transversely across. [2 definitions] |
crossword |
a puzzle in which the player must guess words from numbered clues and enter them in the correspondingly numbered series of vertical or horizontal squares; crossword puzzle. |
crossword puzzle |
a puzzle in which the player must guess words from numbered clues and enter them in the correspondingly numbered series of vertical or horizontal squares. |
crotch |
the place where two linear parts, such as human legs, come together. |
crotchet |
a whim, eccentricity, or odd idea. [2 definitions] |
crotchety |
given to peculiar whims and notions; capriciously stubborn; cantankerous. |
croton |
any of various large, tropical plants, shrubs, or trees, often used medicinally. [2 definitions] |
Croton bug |
a small cockroach. |
crouch |
to lower the body close to the ground by bending the legs, as an animal about to pounce or a human preparing to run in a race. [4 definitions] |
croup1 |
an abnormal respiratory condition, most common in children, the symptoms of which include coughing and difficulty in breathing. |
croup2 |
the rump of an animal, esp. a horse. |
croupier |
an attendant in a betting game such as roulette who collects on losing bets and pays on winning ones. |
crouton |
a small, usu. cubical, piece of bread that is fried or toasted and added to salads, soups, or the like. |
Crow |
a tribe or member of a tribe of a North American Indian people now living in eastern Montana. [2 definitions] |
crow1 |
any of a number of shiny black birds noted for their shrill, harsh calls and for their scavenging. |
crow2 |
to make the harsh call of a rooster. [4 definitions] |
crowbar |
a heavy steel bar or rod, often with a flattened and bent end, that is designed to be used as a lever. |
crowd |
a large number of people massed together. [9 definitions] |