-cule |
small. |
culex |
any of various mosquitoes that are very common in North America and Europe. |
culinary |
of, concerning, or used for cooking. |
cull |
to sort out or select from a large collection or quantity. [5 definitions] |
culm1 |
particle waste from coal screening. [3 definitions] |
culm2 |
the jointed, usu. hollow stem of various grasses. |
culminate |
to arrive at a climax or conclusion (usu. fol. by "in"). [2 definitions] |
culmination |
the act of culminating. [2 definitions] |
culottes |
women's pants made short and with wide legs so as to resemble a skirt. |
culpable |
guilty of a mistake or fault; blameworthy. |
culprit |
someone who is charged with or guilty of a mistake, fault, or crime. [2 definitions] |
cult |
the rituals and observances of a particular religion, esp. those pertaining to a single deity. [4 definitions] |
cultivable |
able to be cultivated. |
cultivar |
a variety of plant that has been selectively bred for desired characteristics. |
cultivate |
to make (land or soil) fit for growing plants, as by plowing or adding nutrients. [5 definitions] |
cultivated |
having undergone cultivation. [2 definitions] |
cultivation |
the act of cultivating. [2 definitions] |
cultivator |
one that cultivates, esp. a machine designed to till the soil in which plants grow. |
cultural |
of or pertaining to culture. |
cultural anthropology |
the branch of anthropology concerned with the origins and development of human cultures, including customs, language, and art. (Cf. physical anthropology.) |
culture |
the sum of the language, customs, beliefs, cuisine, and art considered characteristic of a particular group of people. [8 definitions] |