current affairs |
events of a political, societal, or economic nature that are occurring in the present time and are often covered in the media. |
current events |
significant events that have recently occurred in a particular area or in the world at large, often reported in the news and discussed publicly. |
currently |
at the present time; now. |
curricle |
a two-wheeled open light carriage pulled by two horses abreast. |
curriculum |
a set of required or prescribed courses of study to be fulfilled for a particular degree. [2 definitions] |
curriculum vitae |
a brief summary of one's professional history and qualifications, submitted with a job application; vita; résumé. |
currish |
of or characteristic of a cur. [3 definitions] |
curry1 |
any of a large variety of Eastern, esp. Indian, dishes made with numerous spices, such as cumin, coriander, and turmeric. [3 definitions] |
curry2 |
to comb and groom (a horse) by using a currycomb. [2 definitions] |
currycomb |
a metal comb used to groom horses. [2 definitions] |
curry favor |
to attempt to gain approval by servile behavior or flattery. |
curry powder |
a mixture of spices such as turmeric and coriander, used as a seasoning. |
curse |
an expression of a desire that someone or something might suffer lasting misfortune, or, in tales of magic, a spell that brings lasting misfortune. [9 definitions] |
cursed |
worthy of being detested or hated. [2 definitions] |
curse word |
a word that is considered to be obscene or profane, esp. when it is used to condemn or to express anger. |
cursive |
of writing in which individual letters within words are joined, or of print that simulates such writing. [3 definitions] |
cursor |
a movable marker on a computer screen that indicates the point that will be affected by input from the user. |
cursory |
done quickly and without care; superficial. |
curt |
unpleasantly abrupt; brusque. [2 definitions] |
curtail |
to make shorter; cut off part of. |
curtain |
a piece of cloth hung in a window, archway, or other opening for decoration, to shut out light or to conceal something. [7 definitions] |