dalliance |
amorous play; flirtation. [2 definitions] |
dally |
to waste time; be idle. [4 definitions] |
Dalmatian |
any of a breed of fairly large dogs that have short white hair spotted with black or liver color. |
dal segno |
from the sign (used in music as a direction to return to the point so marked and repeat a passage). |
dalton |
see "atomic mass unit." |
dam1 |
a barrier built usu. across a waterway to restrict flow and raise the water level. [4 definitions] |
dam2 |
a female parent, esp. of a four-legged mammal. |
damage |
harm or injury that reduces usefulness, value, or soundness. [4 definitions] |
damaged |
having sustained harm or injury. |
Damascene |
of or pertaining to Damascus, its residents, or the like. [6 definitions] |
Damascus |
the capital of Syria. |
Damascus steel |
hand-wrought steel, used esp. for sword blades, that is made by repeated folding and welding, thereby creating a pattern of wavy lines; damask steel. |
damask |
a fine cloth woven of linen, silk, wool, or cotton with a prominent, elaborate pattern. [6 definitions] |
damask rose |
a fragrant pink Asian rose that is an ancestor of hybrid roses and whose oil is often used as a source for attar. |
damask steel |
see "Damascus steel." |
dame |
an honorific term used in the past for a woman in authority, such as a head of household. [3 definitions] |
dame school |
an informal school common to Colonial New England in which rudimentary educational and social skills were taught to children by a woman in her home. [2 definitions] |
dammit |
used to express anger or frustration. |
damn |
to declare the immorality or unworthiness of; condemn. [11 definitions] |
damnable |
deserving to be condemned. [2 definitions] |
damnation |
the act of damning or condition of being damned. [2 definitions] |