damnation |
the act of damning or condition of being damned. [2 definitions] |
damnatory |
expressing, threatening, or causing condemnation. |
damned |
condemned, esp. to hell. [4 definitions] |
damn it |
used to express anger or frustration. |
Damocles |
in Greek legend, a man who was placed under a sword that hung by a single hair, to learn of the perilous nature of a ruler's life. |
damp |
slightly wet; not completely dry. [8 definitions] |
damp-dry |
to dry (laundry) partially so that some moisture is retained. |
dampen |
to make moist. [3 definitions] |
damper |
a person or thing that damps or dampens, esp. one that restrains or controls. [2 definitions] |
damsel |
a young woman or maiden, esp., in the distant past, one of noble birth. |
damselfish |
any of a group of brightly colored marine fish from the family Pomacentridae, living esp. among coral reefs. |
damselfly |
any of various insects resembling small dragonflies but having wings that fold over the body when they are at rest. |
damson |
a species of plum tree. [2 definitions] |
Dan |
according to the Old Testament, the fifth son of Jacob. [2 definitions] |
Danaides |
in Greek legend, the daughters of Danaus, king of Argos, who murdered their husbands and were condemned in Hades to draw water forever with a perforated vessel. |
Da Nang |
a port city in central Vietnam on the China Sea, site of an important U.S. military base during the Vietnam War. |
dance |
to move the body in a rhythmic sequence, usu. in a prescribed fashion and usu. to music. [9 definitions] |
danceable |
combined form of dance. |
dance hall |
a usu. public establishment that charges an admission price and provides space, music, and sometimes partners for dancing. |
dancer |
one who dances or whose profession is dancing. |
dancing |
the activity of moving the body to music for enjoyment. |