decaliter |
a unit of capacity equal to ten liters or 2.642 gallons. |
Decalogue |
the Ten Commandments. |
decameter |
a unit of length equal to ten meters or 32.808 feet. |
decamp |
to go away suddenly or secretly. [2 definitions] |
decant |
to pour (wine or other liquid) carefully, so as not to stir up sediment. [2 definitions] |
decanter |
a stoppered, decorative glass bottle for serving wine, brandy, or the like. |
decapitate |
to cut off the head of; behead. |
decapod |
one of a group of crustaceans having ten legs, including crabs, lobsters, and shrimps. [2 definitions] |
decarbonate |
to remove carbon dioxide gas or bubbles from. |
decarbonize |
to remove carbon or soot from. |
decarboxylate |
to remove a carbonyl group from (an organic compound), resulting in the emission of carbon dioxide. |
decastere |
a unit of volume equal to ten steres or cubic meters or 13.079 cubic yards. |
decasyllable |
a word or line of poetry having ten syllables. |
decathlete |
one who participates in a decathlon. |
decathlon |
an athletic contest in which each participant competes in ten different track and field events over a period of two days. |
decay |
to rot or become rotted; decompose. [8 definitions] |
decease |
the act of dying; death. [2 definitions] |
deceased |
no longer alive; dead. [2 definitions] |
decedent |
in law, one who has died. |
deceit |
the act or practice of misleading, tricking, or cheating. [3 definitions] |
deceitful |
full of deceit; duplicitous. [2 definitions] |