deep-six |
(informal) to cast overboard. [2 definitions] |
Deep South |
the southeastern U.S. region, esp. Georgia, South Carolina, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana, considered most typically Southern. |
deep structure |
in transformational grammar, the abstract syntactic pattern that underlies the construction and interpretation of a sentence. |
deepwater |
associated with or occurring in the deeper parts of a body of water. |
deer |
any of a family of large, swift, hoofed mammals, such as the white-tailed deer or the reindeer, the males of which usu. have antlers that grow and are shed yearly. [2 definitions] |
deer mouse |
any of various large-eared mice of the Western Hemisphere that have long tails and white feet and undersides. |
deerskin |
leather made from the hide of a deer. [3 definitions] |
de-escalate |
to lessen in intensity, size, or scope. |
deface |
to damage or deform the surface or appearance of; disfigure. [2 definitions] |
de facto |
actual, esp. as opposed to what is believed to be the case or what is formally acknowledged. [3 definitions] |
defalcate |
to misappropriate funds; embezzle. |
defamation |
the act of causing damage to the reputation of a person, group, or institution by making unfavorable and unjust statements. [2 definitions] |
defamatory |
causing or tending to cause injury to another's reputation; libelous or slanderous. |
defame |
to damage or destroy the reputation of (a person, group, or institution) by making unfavorable and unjust statements. [2 definitions] |
default |
failure to take positive action; neglect. [14 definitions] |
defeat |
to win a victory over; beat in a game, battle, or the like. [4 definitions] |
defeatable |
combined form of defeat. |
defeated |
feeling or accepting that one has lost or failed. [2 definitions] |
defeatism |
the tendency to expect defeat or accept defeat with resignation. |
defeatist |
one who regards losing or failing as inevitable or accepts it with resignation. [2 definitions] |
defecate |
to expel feces from the bowels. [2 definitions] |