degrease |
to dissolve oil or grease. |
degreaser |
a product that dissolves oil or grease. |
degree |
a stage or step, esp. as part of a course of action or process. [6 definitions] |
degree-day |
a unit that represents one degree of difference, from a standard temperature, in the mean outdoor temperature on a certain day. |
dehisce |
to split open along a pre-existing line, as the seedpods of certain plants. |
dehorn |
to remove the horns of (cattle or the like). |
dehumanize |
to deprive of individuality, spirit, or other human qualities; render routine or mechanical. |
dehumidify |
to reduce the level of atmospheric moisture in. |
dehydrate |
to remove water from (fruits, vegetables, or other foods) for preservation. [4 definitions] |
dehydration |
the act or process of removing water, or the elements of water, from something such as a food or chemical compound. [2 definitions] |
dehydroepiandrosterone |
a steroid hormone produced by the adrenal glands, gonads, and brain that is a precursor of androgens and estrogens. |
dehydrogenase |
an enzyme that catalyzes the removal of hydrogen atoms from a molecule. |
dehydrogenate |
to remove hydrogen from (a chemical compound). |
de-ice |
to keep free of ice or remove ice from. |
deify |
to raise to the rank of a god; consider to be a god. [2 definitions] |
deign |
to consider some act to be appropriate or in keeping with one's dignity; condescend. [2 definitions] |
Deimos |
the smaller of the two moons of the planet Mars. |
deinstitutionalize |
to enable (one who has been institutionalized, such as a mental patient) to live away from the institution, within the community. [2 definitions] |
deism |
the belief, based only on reason and on evidence in nature, and not on any supernatural revelation, in the existence of a god who created the universe. (Cf. theism.) |
deity |
a god or goddess. [4 definitions] |
déjà vu |
the almost physical sensation, when one is in a place or having an experience, that one has been in that place or had that experience before. |