device |
something designed or made for a specific purpose, esp. an invention or machine used to perform simple tasks mechanically or electrically. [3 definitions] |
devil |
(often cap.) in Christian theology, the chief spirit of evil, master of Hell, and enemy of God; Satan (prec. by "the"). [8 definitions] |
devilfish |
a manta or other very large ray. [2 definitions] |
devilish |
of, like, or suited to a devil. [3 definitions] |
devil-may-care |
breezily careless; happy-go-lucky. |
devilment |
devilish behavior; mischief. |
devil of a |
very difficult or frustrating. |
devilry |
variant of deviltry. |
devil's advocate |
someone who may not believe in but defends an opposing, weak, or unpopular cause to stimulate argument. [2 definitions] |
devil's darning needle |
a dragonfly. |
devil's food cake |
a rich, moist chocolate cake, often covered with rich icing. |
devil's paintbrush |
a common perennial weed found in Europe and North America that bears a cluster of orange-red flowers atop a leafless stalk. |
deviltry |
mischief done without regard for the consequences. [3 definitions] |
devious |
not the straightest, most direct way; winding; roundabout. [2 definitions] |
devise |
to invent or make (a plan, device, or solution of a problem), esp. by a fresh application of known information; arrange; contrive. [3 definitions] |
devitalize |
to take away the strength, health, or liveliness of; weaken. |
devitrify |
to remove or destroy, wholly or in part, the glassy character or qualities of. [2 definitions] |
devoid |
not having something; totally lacking (usu. fol. by "of"). |
devoir |
responsibility; obligation; duty. [2 definitions] |
devolution |
the act or result of devolving; transfer, delegation, or passing down, as of rights or duties. [4 definitions] |
devolve |
to pass on (a duty or the like) to one who follows. [2 definitions] |