dice |
small cubes with dots on each side numbering one to six, often used in pairs for board games and games of chance. [4 definitions] |
dicephalous |
two-headed, as an abnormal fetus. |
dicey |
(informal) chancy or dangerous; risky. |
dichloride |
a chemical compound that contains two atoms of chlorine for each other element or group. (See bichloride.) |
dichotomy |
division or separation into two usu. opposed parts, positions, or opinions. [2 definitions] |
dichromate |
a chemical compound that contains two chromium atoms per molecule, characterized by an orange-red color; bichromate. |
dichromatic |
having or showing two colors. [3 definitions] |
dichromic1 |
able to recognize only two colors; colorblind; dichromatic. |
dichromic2 |
containing two chromium atoms per molecule. |
dick |
(slang) a detective. [3 definitions] |
dickcissel |
a sparrowlike American songbird characterized, in the male, by a yellow breast and a black mark at the throat. |
dickens |
devil; deuce (usu. prec. by "the"). |
dicker |
to argue over price or value; bargain; haggle. [2 definitions] |
dickey |
a woman's blouse front for wearing under a jacket or for covering the neckline. [5 definitions] |
diclinous |
of a plant, having the pollen-bearing and seed-bearing organs in separate flowers. [2 definitions] |
dicot |
see "dicotyledon." |
dicotyledon |
a member of a large group of flowering plants that bear two embryonic seed leaves at sprouting, such as oaks, beans, and cabbages. (Cf. monocotyledon.) |
dicoumarin |
see "Dicumarol." |
dicta |
a plural form of dictum. |
Dictaphone |
trademark for a machine that records dictation so it can be played back for writing or typing later. |
dictate |
to state or order with authoritative force; prescribe definitely. [6 definitions] |