disease-resistent |
of or pertaining to disease resistance. |
disease-ridden |
full of or capable of bringing about disease. |
disembark |
to put or go ashore from a ship. |
disembarrass |
to rid or free (someone) from something embarrassing, frustrating, burdensome, or the like; relieve. |
disembody |
to take away or free (the soul or spirit) from the body. |
disembowel |
to remove the bowels or guts from. |
disenchant |
to make free of enchantment or illusion. |
disencumber |
to remove encumbrances or burdens from. |
disenfranchise |
to deprive (someone) of a right of citizenship, esp. the right to vote; disfranchise. [2 definitions] |
disengage |
to release from engagement, connection, or responsibility. [4 definitions] |
disengagement |
the act of disengaging or state of being disengaged. [2 definitions] |
disentangle |
to free or become free from entanglement or involvement; extricate. |
disequilibrium |
a lack or loss of stability, balance, or equilibrium, esp. in the economy. |
disestablish |
to end or change the established status of. [2 definitions] |
disesteem |
to disfavor, disrespect, or have low regard for. [2 definitions] |
disfavor |
unfavorable regard or opinion; displeasure or disapproval. [4 definitions] |
disfigure |
to mar the appearance or shape of. |
disfigurement |
the act of disfiguring. [2 definitions] |
disfranchise |
to deprive (someone) of a right of citizenship, esp. the right to vote; disenfranchise. [2 definitions] |
disgorge |
to bring up from, or as though from, the mouth or throat; vomit; expel. [3 definitions] |
disgrace |
the state of being in disrespect, dishonor, or disfavor; shame. [3 definitions] |