disown |
to deny a relationship with or ownership of; repudiate. |
disparage |
to depreciate or belittle, esp. in speech. [2 definitions] |
disparagement |
the act or an instance of belittling or depreciating, esp. in speech. |
disparate |
essentially different and distinct. |
disparity |
the condition or an instance of being unlike, unequal, or of different kinds; difference. |
dispassionate |
without strong feeling or bias; calm; impartial. |
dispatch |
to send off to a specific place or for a specific purpose. [7 definitions] |
dispatcher |
a person who dispatches. [2 definitions] |
dispel |
to drive away or get rid of by, or as if by, scattering in all directions; disperse. |
dispensable |
capable of being omitted; not necessary. [2 definitions] |
dispensary |
a room in an institution, such as a hospital, in which medical supplies are kept and given out. [2 definitions] |
dispensation |
an act or instance of giving out, or the thing given out; distribution. [3 definitions] |
dispensatory |
a book that explains the composition and use of medicines; type of pharmacopoeia. |
dispense |
to give out or distribute. [4 definitions] |
dispenser |
a person or thing that gives or deals out, esp. a device or machine that dispenses items in packages or specific measured amounts. |
dispense with |
to do without or do away with. |
dispersal |
the act of dispersing or condition of being dispersed; dispersion. |
disperse |
to drive away in all directions; scatter. [5 definitions] |
dispersion |
the process or act of dispersing, or the condition of being dispersed. [4 definitions] |
dispirit |
to take the spirit out of; discourage; depress. |
dispirited |
having low spirits; discouraged; depressed. |