disturbance |
an act or instance of disturbing. [5 definitions] |
disturbed |
mentally or emotionally unbalanced. [2 definitions] |
disturbing |
causing one to be disturbed; upsetting; unsettling. |
disulfate |
a salt of pyrosulfuric acid, containing two sulfate groups in each molecule; pyrosulfate. |
disulfide |
a chemical compound in which two atoms of sulfur are combined with another element or radical. |
disunion |
the termination of union or association; separation or division. [2 definitions] |
disunite |
to break up the union of; divide. [2 definitions] |
disunity |
lack of unity or agreement; dissension. |
disuse |
the state or condition of not being used or practiced any longer. |
disused |
no longer being used. |
disyllable |
a word of two syllables. |
ditch |
a long narrow trench that provides a waterway for drainage or irrigation or a receptacle for something to be buried in, such as sewer pipes or electric power lines. [7 definitions] |
dither |
a state of excitement, nervousness, or indecision. [2 definitions] |
dithyramb |
in ancient Greece, a wild or impassioned choric hymn in honor of Dionysius. [2 definitions] |
ditsy |
(slang) silly; scatterbrained; inane. |
dittany |
a fuzzy herb related to mint that is native to Crete. [3 definitions] |
ditto |
the same as said or written before; the aforesaid. [5 definitions] |
ditto mark |
a sign (") indicating repetition, usu. placed under the word, numeral, or passage to be repeated. |
ditty |
a short simple song. |
ditty bag |
a small bag, used esp. by sailors, for personal articles, sewing implements, or the like. |
ditz |
(slang) a scatterbrained person. |